If you have been diagnosed with asbestos cancer and you are considering filing a mesothelioma claim, you should learn all you can about the subject and what kind of settlement or compensation you could receive. You should work with an experienced attorney to strengthen your mesothelioma claim before filing a law suit.
Statute of Limitations and Deadlines for Filing Your Claim
The statute of limitations starts at the time of your diagnosis in just about all mesothelioma claims. When a judge or the jury looks at your particular case, they will make a note of the time involved in your decision to file a claim. Once you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer you should get in touch with a trial lawyer as soon as possible to get the process started. You may be going through a very difficult time in your life, but it's important to let all parties involved know about who is responsible for your disease and that you are serious about taking action.
Nailing Down the Details
Because of the long latency period of asbestos cancer, you may have a hard time remembering what happened decades ago. Make sure you know exactly what happened when, where and why before you determine who is responsible for your exposure to asbestos. Try to nail down all relevant details such as your place and length of employment, job conditions, products and materials you worked with, etc. Check all your records related to your former work; old photos may provide evidence in court such as asbestos dust on your work clothes.
Take notes of everything you remember. The trial lawyer you choose to handle your case needs all the details you can gather to back up your case in court with hard facts. Don't assume that minor details are irrelevant and review all the information you have gathered with your attorney. His experience gained from working with previous clients may help to find crucial details in the information you provide.
Your mesothelioma claim should include compensation for all of your losses - medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of income and a shortened life expectancy - at the very least. Remember that in most mesothelioma cancer settlements and court cases the claimant gets far less than asked for, so file a claim for all of your losses from the start.
from: Dave Casey
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